Reviewing and Discovering Evidence for the Defense

Obtaining/discovering evidence for the defense and reviewing evidence for a criminal defense case can be a daunting task, especially in light of the technology aspects of today’s world.  You not only need to determine what evidence needs to be obtained, but once you...

The Nature of Investigations

As an aid to help our clients better understand the nature of the Private Investigative profession, the processes by which we work, and the regulations by which we are governed, we have prepared this information sheet so you may have more realistic expectations...

Kids as Weapons: Parental Alienation

Although the decision to divorce is made by adults, the consequences of that decision are often felt most deeply by the children. Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. can help your clients protect themselves and their children from excessive divorce-related damage and...

Is Your Investigator a “Double Agent”?

As a justice lawyer, you are singularly committed to representing your injured client. Your staff, your attention, your energies are dedicated to navigating your client through the obstacles thrown out by insurance companies and opposing counsel in your pursuit of...