Our Foundation

We Help Our Clients Eliminate Uncertainty

foundationOur Foundation was carefully established and consists of our Purpose, our Vision, and our Mission. Our Values are the bedrock that supports our Foundation.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to eliminate uncertainty about disputed issues.

Our Vision

Decision makers confidently make decisions by receiving accurate, reliable, and timely information, empowering them to best serve their clients, co-workers, and customers.

Our Mission

At Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., we help our clients eliminate uncertainty by understanding the issues confronting them. We conduct interviews, research and forensic analysis to clarify disputed facts and identify potential solutions.

By limiting our clientele to the business and legal communities, we focus our efforts and knowledge base on issues of law related to those areas of litigation and compliance. Our specialization and focused areas of concentration allow us to more completely understand the needs of our clients, and to gain economies of scale not available to other agencies with a more generalized practice.

We serve our clients as “adjunct” investigators and researchers, providing closely supervised work and frequent communication in order to create an effective “team” environment. By outsourcing investigative and research tasks to Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., our clients receive the benefit of adding our infrastructure (our staff, knowledge and work product) to theirs, resulting in significant increases in capacity and productivity.

Our Values

We operate from strongly identified values, so that our clients benefit from the knowledge that their requests are handled ethically, with professionalism, competence, and initiative. Clients, co-workers, and witnesses are treated with genuine respect and concern, and reports are timely and reliable.

Ethics: Our agency and our work are governed by a strict moral compass that directs our efforts and our relationships with clients, witnesses, employees, and attorneys.

Diligence: Conducting investigations and developing accurate information takes steady, continuous effort. Some situations are more complex than others, some witnesses are more challenging to connect with, and some information is more difficult to locate and obtain. Extra effort and patience are often required to complete many assignments. We are committed to going the extra mile.

Reliability: Our research, interviews and reports are consistent, thorough, and accurate. Assignments are initiated and completed promptly with an awareness of the client’s time requirements. Clients are updated as to the status of their requests with frequent reports, e-mails, and telephone calls. Our clients can rely on us to get the job done and done right.

Professionalism: Our clients can be confident in our professionalism. Written reports are grammatically correct and easy to read. When called upon to testify or meet with attorneys or clients, our personal appearance and demeanor are as important as our written reports. Case assignments are handled as carefully and with as much accountability as an in-house staff investigator provides.

Initiative: We work proactively to anticipate needs and identify issues. We have a specific plan of action for each case, incorporating the initial request, and making suggestions for follow-up when leads are developed. Our commitment is to proactively ensure that information developed is relevant, timely, and adds value to the client’s situation. Willingness to follow new leads as they develop (with the client’s authorization) also uncovers additional unknown information, which could further eliminate uncertainty about the disputed facts and issues.

Service: We are committed to meeting the needs of our clients and to assist their causes effectively and completely. We recognize our supporting role and faithfully fulfill it.